Thursday, June 28, 2012

5 Beauty Tips For Your Hands

Many of us spend time and money spent on anti-aging products and treatments for the face.
However, one of the main areas that show age are our hands, and they are constantly exposed to the sun and this is a factor for the aging of our skin.
To make matters worse, the skin on our hands is thinner than the skin covering the face. 
Follow these 5 tips to maintain a youthful appearance and soft in your hands, and keep the rest of the world guessing your age!
Exfoliate your hands
In the same way that exfoliate the skin on your face, you have to remove the top layer of skin on your hands to reveal fresh skin beneath. 
At home microdermabrasion crystals you can use either the classic recipe for a teaspoon of sugar combined with coconut oil. While this does not remove peel brown spots, leave your hands with a more smooth and soft. 
The key is to exfoliate regularly. You can also use a professional chemical peel to exfoliate and eliminate dark spots, but remember that sometimes these procedures are too strong for the skin covering the back of your hands. An alterative is to use homemade fresh lemon juice on your hands for as long as you can tolerate and then rinse. The citric acid of lemon juice is a mild exfoliating agent and also help dispel some stains. But do not forget that while you have lemon juice on your hands should not sun exposure. 
Use moisturizer with SPF at least 15 
If you find a moisturizer with SPF that you love, use it all the time. Thus achieve the desired moisture along with protection. Sun exposure damages the collagen in our skin. Collagen also gives our skin volume, and once the collagen is affected, wrinkles begin to appear and skin becomes thinner. 
Pamper your hands 
Every time you wash the dishes, or expose your hands for a long time to water, be sure to wear gloves. Also try to use a heavy cream or oil as olive oil or coconut oil on the gloves for a moisturizing treatment. 
In addition, if you use any anti-oxidant serum for the face, you can also apply on the hands. Apply these serums at night before moisturizer and during the day before moisturizer with SPF. You can also try the same moisturizing facial masks in their hands. 
Lasers for brown spots and sagging skin 
Age spots or brown are a telltale sign of aging. To remove brown spots, the best treatments are laser. There are also laser treatments to tighten loose skin of the hands, these treatments also help to stimulate collagen production, resulting in healthier skin. 
Vanishes veins and injection sclerotherapy fat 
With the passage of time as the skin becomes thin, the veins in your hands may look like a lump. In sclerotherapy, the injection of a solution that irritates the vein walls which reduces the diameter IV, which ends with the veins that appear to bulge. This treatment may take several weeks to see the full results and stop procedure is best small veins, or superficial. 
However, for larger veins it is recommended that treatment is complete around the veins with fat, thus creating an illusion of volume. 
To fill the medical use your own fat (extraction from the thighs or buttocks).
Follow these tips and manages to younger hands.

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