Thursday, March 1, 2012

Disadvantages of Being a Vegetarian

The positive benefits of being a vegetarian are well known. These include:
  • more energy
  • less chance of being overweight
  • healthier glow/clearer complexion
  • higher fiber diet
  • less chances of getting certain medical conditions such as colon cancer
  • not participating in the inhumane way that animals are slaughtered for food
vegetarian Disadvantages of Being a Vegetarian
The list of positive benefits of being a vegetarian go on and on.  How can anyone of us not want to reap these benefits?  So the question that begs itself to be asked is, if there are so many positives to being a vegetarian, why do so many people still eat meat and what are some of the disadvantages of being a vegetarian?

Disadvantages of Being a Vegetarian
1) Decreased protein - meat provides us with adequate store of protein which our body needs to use for activities related to the repair, growth and maintenance of cells in our body. Protein gives us energy and helps our body fight against infections.  There are other foods that give us protein such as eggs, milk, spinach, soybean, fish, whole grains, rice, beans, corn, oats, nuts, peas and peanut butter.
2) Lack of food choices – some restaurants and grocery stores still do not offer a wide selection of vegetarian entrees to choose from.  Also, when someone who is a vegetarian goes out to eat over at a friends house, there are not always vegetarian options available.
3) Difficulty when with a crowd – it’s just easier to fix a meal for everyone then to fix two different alternatives. One meal for everyone else in your family who eats meat and then another meatless meal just for you.
4)  Decreased creatinine – creatinine, which comes from meat, helps our body build muscle mass, an essential function for every movement we make.
5) Decreased vitamins and minerals – strict vegans who do not partake in the use of any animal products of any kind, have to be more conscious of getting vitamins B12 vitamin, Iron and Calcium. Fortunately, these deficits can be made up for and supplements can be taken.
Whether you are a vegetarian for religious, health or moral reasons or if you are considering becoming a vegetarian, look at the list of disadvantages of becoming a vegetarian and think of ways to combat or anticipate each one. Also, people with a need for a larger body mass such as weight lifters may need to rethink their desire for a vegetarian diet as supplements may not give you adequate protein stores needed

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