Saturday, March 24, 2012

Benefits of Aromatherapy Candles

Aromatherapy candles are recommended by holistic practitioners, as well as mainstream doctors and therapists as a means to promote emotional and mental balance. Some of the benefits of using aromatherapy candles are:

  • Aromatherapy candles are a convenient way to receive the benefits of aromatherapy in almost any setting.
  • Most essential oils used for aromatherapy candles can be placed anywhere, such as the bedroom, bathroom, office and nursery.
  • Using candles for aromatherapy does not require specialized knowledge of essential oils and their precautions.
  • Depending on the scent, aromatherapy candles can promote clearer thinking, more energy and increased vigor.
  • Aromatherapy candles can help to reduce the feelings of tension and stress, calm anxiety and panic and lift depression.
  • Aromatherapy candles can be used as a coping mechanism for those with chronic or long term illnesses.
  • Aromatherapy candles can help to facilitate a more relaxed labor and delivery.
  • Certain scents can sooth a colicky newborn or promote easier breathing in a sick child.

Which Scent to Choose?

Essential oils have the ability to promote healing in a number of ways. However, there are specific oils which are more effective in treating mental and emotional issues through smell alone. Below are the most common essential oils used in aromatherapy candles and their specific benefits. Some essential oils have more than one benefit, so will appear under multiple categories.
Relaxation/Stress Relief
Chamomile is known for its soothing, stress relieving ability. Chamomile helps to slow the brain and promotes sleep.
Cinnamon is a common, yet familiar scent and very relaxing.
Frankincense is a very calming scent and can significantly reduce stress.
Lemongrass can lift mental and physical exhaustion and can be used as an aid to recover rom jetlag.
Lavender is a calming scent that can help eliminate the symptoms of stress.
Melissa is a natural sedative and can be used as a sleep aid.
Neroli can reverse insomnia and has been used to relax colicky babies and help them sleep.
Sandalwood is an effective stress reliever.
Tangerine is also a stress reducer and mood enhancer.
Mood Enhancing
Bergamot essential oil is known to provide a powerful uplifting affect.
Lemon is a powerful mood enhancer, as are Lime and Orange.
Lemongrass helps to foster cheer.
Neroli helps one to be even tempered and less quick to anger.
Rose lifts the spirits and conjures feeling of contentedness.
Rosewood promotes feelings of pleasure and happiness.
Vanilla is equally soothing, uplifting and relaxing.
Anxiety and Depression
Bergamot essential oil is an uplifting citrus scent that eases depression and unnatural fear.
Chamomile is a natural relaxant and can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
Frankincense can help combat anxiety and panic attacks.
Melissa is often used as a natural antidepressant.
Neroli helps to calm anxiousness and promotes an even mood.
Orange helps to lift depression and promotes happiness.
Peppermint is beneficial for combating depression and general anxiety.
Petitgrain works to ward off panic attacks.
Rose has antidepressant properties.
Aphrodisiac/ impotence and frigidity
Clove oil has a spicy, stimulating scent and is known to help correct sexual dysfunction.
Orange can help reverse impotence and female frigidity.
Vanilla is a heady scent and a natural aphrodisiac.
Ylang Ylang possesses a hypnotic scent that stimulates arousal.
Mental Clarity and Focus
Clove oil lifts mental fatigue and provides a clear, sharp focus.
Cinnamon is also excellent for clearing the mind and promoting mental clarity.
Frankincense opens up the senses and the mind and promotes creative thought.
Helichrysum cleanses the body’s meridian pathways and helps to balance the chakras.
Myrrh promotes relaxation and aids in reaching a meditative state.
Nutmeg lifts brain fog and promotes clear thought.
Patchouli promotes clarity of thought and increased concentration.
Sandalwood calms irrational fears.
Spearmint clears the brain and provides a boost of energy.
Lemon helps one to think clearer and aids in concentration.
Palma Rosa helps to clear mental clutter and improves memory.
Marjoram helps to regulate the central nervous system and calm hyperactivity.
Peppermint helps headaches to subside.
Rosemary removes feelings of fatigue.

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