Sunday, January 29, 2012

5 Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Many people suffer from dry skin during anytime of the year. Perhaps it is genetics, too much time spent in the sun, or the dry winters that cause dry skin. Regardless of the reason, there are some things you can do without the purchase of expensive creams to help bring moisture back to your skin. Before following tips and creating home remedies, you should first understand why creams purchased are usually worse for your skin.

Why Many Lotions and Creams Don’t Work

You may find that you need to apply lotion to your hands or entire body frequently to begin to feel like it is getting the proper amount of moisture. This is because the many chemicals found in various lotions and creams will ultimately dry you out versus bringing moisture. Many lotions have smells to them which is created by chemicals. You may find that the best lotions and creams are ones that do not have much of a smell to them. People who have eczema are instructed to stay away from lotions that have a scent because they will make their skin even worse! You may also notice how thin some lotions are. You apply them and just a few moments later it doesn’t appear like you have even applied any.

There are ingredients added to these lotions to water them down so that the manufacturer gets more out of the product when it comes to filling the bottles. The thinner lotions never truly moisturize your skin. As a matter of fact the thicker the better! It is important to point out that not all lotions and creams don’t work, but many of them will simply not work as well as home remedies.

So What Does Work?

There are many things that you can do bring moisture back into your skin. Here are some great home remedies that will help you to moisture and will bring benefits almost immediately.

Honey – This happens to be one of the best home remedies for dry skin. This is nothing new after all, Greeks and Egyptians used this same remedy centuries ago. It actually was used in dressing wounds during WWII as well. You will need to choose a honey that will enhance the cells of your skin so not just any old honey will work best. Instead, you want active manuka honey because it has more antioxidants. Before taking a shower or bath, apply the honey in the desired dry spots. Let it sit for about ten minutes before cleaning it off. You can do this however often you would like or when necessary.

Bananas – Not only are bananas delicious and healthy to eat but you can also use them for your skin. Specifically, they are great for your face and neck area. All you need to do is purchase ripe bananas from your local grocery store, bash them up and apply it to your face. Instead of applying it like a cream, take the entire bunch of it and apply it like a face pack. After about 15 to 20 minutes, wash your face with only warm water. If your one to have cracked heels, use the peel of the banana to rub it on the dry area, which will help greatly as well.

Petroleum Jelly – Don’t forget that some petroleum jelly will work wonders for your dry skin. Be sure not to purchase a type that smells, but whenever you need it, apply it. You can use it on your hands, feet, and anywhere on your body that is dry.

Milk – Cleopatra who is known as being very beautiful actually took a milk bath every day. A milk bath can help to maintain soft, moisturized skin because of its lactaid acids that rids the skin of dead cells. It works like an exfoliate which then reveals the softer skin cells underneath. To make a milk bath is very simple. You will need buttermilk to add to you bath specifically, 2 to 4 cups. You should soak in the bath for 20 to 30 minutes, and towards the end, use a washcloth to scrub away the dead skin cells. Do this by rotating in a circular motion while holding the washcloth. Don’t scrub hard, but gently. Once you are done rinse with clean warm water and don’t forget to rinse the bath tub as well!

Olive Oil – Not only can olive oil be great in cooking delicious meals but it can moisture your skin instantly. It is no mystery that all sorts of various oils can do this but olive oil is great because it also cleans out your pours. You can store it in a spray bottle and when you shower, spray it on the desired areas you wish to moisturize. You will want to apply it after your regular showing ritual such as shaving, and make sure you rinse it so that your skin doesn’t become greasy.

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