Saturday, April 28, 2012

Healthy On-the-Go Snacks

Healthy On-the-Go Snacks

Healthy snacks play a major role in our diet as they provide everything our body needs in order to function properly throughout the day. Besides, smart snacking avoids overeating and therefore helps us lose and control our weight. When you feel the need of a burst of energy, make sure you choose wisely and opt for healthy on-the-go snacks.

Healthy snacking between meals is usually seen as a real burden especially when having to face hectic schedules. We all have been through the same experience of feeling hungry at work, at school or simply going shopping. Therefore, we are all quite familiar with the situation when the vending machine or the drive-through are impossible to avoid. Still, remember that there are other options for those who want something healthier. Think smart and pack your own snack. You don't have to carry foods that are harder to pack or need refrigeration. Stick to your diet and choose healthy on-the-go snacks that are full of nutrients, yet low in calories.

A healthy snack will help you control hunger and provide vitamins, minerals and all the nutrients your body needs in order to maintain your energy level all day long. Just tuck them into your bag and start your day full of vitality and joy!


The health benefits of almonds are numerous. First of all, as a smart snack choice, almonds are a great source of protein, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, and they will keep you feeling fuller for longer. The monounsaturated fats satisfy appetite and prevent overeating. Moreover, almonds are good for brain and heart, they regulate blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent constipation, boost energy and even prevent colon cancer.

Bananas and applesWhen in a hurry and just don't have the time to prepare a snack, take a banana or an apple with you. These commonplace fruits have incredible health benefits that make them the perfect emergency snacks and are both filling and healthy. One medium sufficiently ripe banana has 110 calories, no cholesterol and no fats. Still, it is a great source of potassium, vitamin B6 and pectin which is a soluble fiber that helps lower LDL ('bad' cholesterol). Bananas are good for your heart, nerves, kidneys, bones, and blood.
Everyone knows that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But do we know why? Besides being a smart, portable snack, the famous apple has an amazing nutritional value. Apples are a good source of vitamin C, soluble and insoluble fiber, flavanoids and antioxidants. Antioxidants in apples help lower the risk of heart disease. Apples also prevent asthma, and cancers in the lung, breast, colon, and liver, while pectin in apples can help lower LDL cholesterol.

Granola bars

When it comes to granola bars, the thing is quite tricky since some of them are packed with calories and sugars. Always read the ingredients, look for the overall grams of sugar and make sure this is less than 5 grams per bar. The best thing you can do is to choose granola bars made with real nuts and whole grains without sugar. You can also opt for some organic flax granola bars with flax seeds, rolled oats, brown rice flour, pumpkin seeds and honey. Or, even better, you can make your own granola bars at home.

Celery stalks and hummus

For the perfect quick fix you need until you get home to prepare dinner, celery stalks and some hummus represent your saving snack. Since celery is about 95% water, it can easily be eaten without worrying about weight gain. Therefore, celery stalks are a handy snack that you can tuck into your lunch bag. Combine them with hummus made with chick peas, garlic, lemon juice, tahini (sesame seed paste), cayenne pepper, and water. A little planning and you're ready to go!

Whole-grain crackersWhole-grain snacks are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. Afraid these might ruin your weight loss plan? Not at all as long as you go for moderation. A healthy snack will tame your hunger and bring balance into your diet. You don't have to buy crackers, but make them yourself. If not, look for low-fat crackers that say "0 grams trans fat" on the nutrition label and have no hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats.

Healthy On-the-Go Snacks

Photos: Thinkstock Photo

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